Saturday, 29 November 2014


Title : Build the Windbelt Frame Panel

Objective : Process of the to make Frame Panel

Content/Procedure :

  • After making measurements on the drawing, I was hired a welder to complete the panel frame with a sketch by this project.

Result : 

The figure below shows the panel frame Windbelt completed according to specifications.

Completed panel frame.

 The diagram above shows a metal U is to bind the nylon belt attached to the magnet.

Stand for the windbelt frame panel.

Conclusion : Some problems have been solved during build and finally successful.

Saturday, 22 November 2014


Title: Build the Coil Winding

Objective: Process & Steps to make coil winding.


After making a calculation to get 10V on coil by determining the resistance of the each coil of 200ohm.

This are neodyminium strong magnet which is rare earth magnet.

After completing each coils with resistance of 200 ohms, which is included with each magnet and nylon belt and I make the installation on this panel.

Result: The figure below shows the results of which are installed on a test panel to be tested before it is mounted on a steel panel.

Conclusion: There are several difficult things need to tested when I have build this project frame but finally it successful finish.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Title: Assemble the AC/DC circuit.

Objective: Process & Steps to AC/DC circuit.

After making testing on the breadboard, I use a circuit board to assemble the components.

Result: Figure below show the process to build the project outline.

Conclusion: There are several difficult things when I have build this project circuit but finally it successful finish.