Objective :Get Knowledge about
Renewable Energy
Content/Procedure :
Renewable Energy is a group of alternative energy sources that include, energy from the sun, wind, geothermal heat, and movement of the ocean water Renewable energy are commonly referred to as “new” because they are not yet used on a wide scale their technologies are still in a rapid phase of development they will play a much larger role in our energy use in the future.
As a we know renewable energy are increasingly important and many impact to growth country like Malaysia. One of is to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. They alleviate air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions that can cause climate change. Renewable energy are inexhaustible, unlike fossil fuels. Help diversify a country’s energy economy. Create jobs and are sources of income and taxes, especially in rural areas.
The differences between renewable energy and non-renewable energy
Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, geothermal energy. The simple meaning of renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources. We have unlimited supply of these sources and we can generate energy from them. They do not produce green house gasses that harm our planet. That’s why renewable energy is called “clean energy”. Non renewable energy sources include coal, oil and natural gas. We have limited supply of these sources and we are running out of them. They produce gas emissions that harm our planet.
Result :
Renewable energy sources from unlimited supply sources our planet and we should apply that.
Conclusion :
Renewable energy is very suitable sources to protect our environment. Benefits of renewable energy it be safe to day and not burden future generations with unnecessary risk.
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