Saturday, 29 November 2014


Title : Build the Windbelt Frame Panel

Objective : Process of the to make Frame Panel

Content/Procedure :

  • After making measurements on the drawing, I was hired a welder to complete the panel frame with a sketch by this project.

Result : 

The figure below shows the panel frame Windbelt completed according to specifications.

Completed panel frame.

 The diagram above shows a metal U is to bind the nylon belt attached to the magnet.

Stand for the windbelt frame panel.

Conclusion : Some problems have been solved during build and finally successful.

Saturday, 22 November 2014


Title: Build the Coil Winding

Objective: Process & Steps to make coil winding.


After making a calculation to get 10V on coil by determining the resistance of the each coil of 200ohm.

This are neodyminium strong magnet which is rare earth magnet.

After completing each coils with resistance of 200 ohms, which is included with each magnet and nylon belt and I make the installation on this panel.

Result: The figure below shows the results of which are installed on a test panel to be tested before it is mounted on a steel panel.

Conclusion: There are several difficult things need to tested when I have build this project frame but finally it successful finish.

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Title: Assemble the AC/DC circuit.

Objective: Process & Steps to AC/DC circuit.

After making testing on the breadboard, I use a circuit board to assemble the components.

Result: Figure below show the process to build the project outline.

Conclusion: There are several difficult things when I have build this project circuit but finally it successful finish.

Monday, 20 October 2014


Title: Find The Electronic Components.

Objective: To Assemble The Circuit and Test It.

This week, went to Jalan Pasar to buy several components like diode, capacitor, resistor wires and etc.

Result: Figure below show the sample for several components that I buy at Jalan Pasar.

Diode: A diode bridge is a device that changes alternating current(AC) from windbelt to Direct Current(DC) to batterry.
Capacitor: A capacitor is a passive two-terminal electrical component used to store energy electrostatically in an electric field.

Wires: I use several type of wires to make the connection for each components for my project.

Multimeter: To measure the current and voltage output produced by the vibration of the windbelt.

Conclusion: Hopefully, the components that I buy at Jalan Pasar will be function when it be to assemble together.

Monday, 6 October 2014


Title: Project Sketching.

Objective: To Get the Best Project Design.

Before to build the hardware for this project, I was made the first sketch for this project for wire connections, windbelt base, coils winding and other equipment that it can placed in a suitable position so that the project can functionally well.


Figure below show the project has been sketched and the wire connection in parallel to get the high current.


Title: Simulate AC/DC Converter Circuit.

Objective: To estimate the input and output needed.


Here is the circuit diagram of a  AC/DC converter. Before it use in my project, it should be simulate to determine that circuit function or not. The software to simulate this circuit is 'Multisim'.

Result: There are several result after simulation by using Multism Software.


Based on the results above, the circuit is functionally very well and it suitable in my project. The DC meter show the output value 15.402VDC. So, it prove this circuit can convert from 12VAC to 15VDC.

Sunday, 28 September 2014


Title: Discuss with Supervisor.

Objective: Step Needed to Start

When the new semester was open after semester break almost 3 month, I have go to see my supervisor, Sir Mohd Akram Dandu and making some little discussion.

Result: After discussion with supervisor, I have know what the first step need to do for my Final Year Project 2 (FYP 2).

Conclusion: Hopefully, I can do the my project very well by following the timeline given.

Friday, 26 September 2014


Attend to the seminar National Instrument.

Objectives :
Seminar are learn about design real systems fast with NI myRIO hands on Workshop.

Content / Procedure :
Understand and use each function myRio how to use them. The myRIO is a device that makes it easy for students to do a project in one semester. It is the same as in the laboratory, but this is very easily programmed based on the LabVIEW understanding.

Conclusion :

Expect to use and it's very easy to enable the students in each semester of the project such as robotic.

Monday, 22 September 2014


Update Proposal  and blog.

Objectives :

To describe a process for completing this project and to ensure blog and proposal is in order and also completed.

Content / Procedure :

Updated proposal by title required by the prescribed format and blog by date and activity performed each week.

Result and Analysis :

Proposal to be completed within the specified time in the format of Final Year Project committee propose REFER on website UNiKL fyp and blog can be produced to order according to activity performed each week.

Conclusion :

Both this report can be done and completed as well and done and submit to supervisor. 



Discuss about project with supervisor.

To get a lot of information to produce a good project performance.

Content / Procedure:

Meet supervisors.
Talk about the important parts, the way to create this project and time management to ensure the project is completed within the stipulated time.
Exchange ideas and knowledge to ensure the success of this project as planned.

Result and Analysis:

Supervisor provides suggestions to start this project from scratch. For starters, must to construct the first part which is hardware interfacing and pay attention to the important parts such as windbelt and the basic component required in this project.

A lot of ideas were shared to ensure the success of this project.

Accept all ideas and information provided by supervisors to ensure the smooth running of the project construction and strive for success.


Title: Project Proposal

Objective: Draft Project Proposal


For this week, I need start do the project proposal for my project. Before submitted the project proposal, firstly I must do project proposal draft based on the guideline and format below:

Title Page
Table of Contents
Problem Statement
Literature Review
 Benefits / Contributions
 Work Plan

With the format guideline given, I can do the complete and proper for my project proposal.

Conclusion: I have success do the project proposal with this guideline given.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Title: Project Budget Estimation

Objective: To known the Budget for This Project


After doing estimation, here the list of budget for this project:-

Result: I have known how much to develop this project and I need to prepare early for this project budget.

Conclusion: The estimation cost or budget very important to researcher when they develop or create some project.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Title: Do the Slide Show for Presentation

Objective: For FYP 1 Presentation 

By using the microsoft powerpoint, I do the slide show by follow the guideline that given. I use the draft project proposal as data for slide show presentation.


I hope I can do the best for my presentation for  this week.  During the presentation day, the assessors is Ms Fatimah Binti Hamidon and Mr Ahmad Zaki Bin Abdul Karim will assess for the FYP proposal. Hope goes smoothly and succeed.

Sunday, 18 May 2014


Title: Flow Chart & Gantt Chart Project

Objective: Project Operation Flow & Project Guideline


Figure shown the flow chart about operation for this project and also the timeline to finish this project.


Firstly is the flow chart about principle operation this project that shown below:

Besides that, the gantt chart is needed for this project as a guidelines. This because with the gantt chart my project will flow systematic. Figure below shown my gantt chart:


Flow chart can make me more understand about this project especially the operation. For the gantt chart, it as the direction or guideline to me to do this project with systematic. Each plan is very important to show each development project.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014


Title : Identify the Components Use

Objective : Material to Develop this Project

Content/Procedure :

So, after research about my project and known how the operation, I should investigate and identify what the components needed in my project.

Result :

List of below is roughly component that uses for this project and not very specific:-

Conclusion : 

After identifying the material and components to be used and hope to build and assemble all of these materials to a successful


Title : Introduction of Project

Objective : Project Principle Operation

Content/Procedure :

This project is to design the prototype of Hybrid Wind-Belt Generation System for Rural Electrification by combining the solar power system with wind generator(windbelt) system that can charge the 12V battery storage and can be reused as power supply for any appliances.
This project is to develop new technique electric generation based on the combination of two hybrid energy resources ( i.e. PV and Wind) for rural electric consumers.

Result : 

The block diagram below show the operation of this project:-

Conclusion :

The block diagram above function is to identify and investigate the function of each part of the block in order to make it easier to recognize the project operation.